Over the course of Taly Russell’s career, she’s had great successes that have been shared in the media. Additionally, Chantal “Taly” Russell has created several pieces of multimedia herself to supplement professional and personal lessons she’s learned along the way. Check out the below pieces and be sure to share your favorites.
5 Viral Fundraising Efforts For Charity
Do you recognize these charitable fundraisers? Join Taly Russell as she discusses what worked with these viral ads.
How To Land Yourself A Promotion
Chantal Taly Russell describes how to honestly earn a raise and how to present yourself in a meeting when discussing the subject.
About the Team
Background information for the founders and team at SilverChair Partners
How to Boost Office Morale
This is a lesson any team can learn! Join me as I discuss some tried and true methods to bring morale back to your office.
Top Qualities of HR Professionals
If you love working with people and want to enter the world of HR, these are the qualities that will lead you to success.
Chantal Taly Russell
Everyone says that time goes by so quickly. You need to really push yourself to enjoy the process and not just the end goal. Chantal “Taly” Russell is a woman who doesn’t hold back. Whether in life or in business, she shines when challenges arise, giving her the opportunity to empower others with her …
How to Raise Capital For Your Nonprofit
Taly Russell discusses the top strategies that nonprofits use when looking to fundraise – including quick methods and more intricate methods.
HR Mistakes To Avoid
Mistakes are human nature. But, when you’re in human resources, there are some mistakes that are best not to be made. Learn what these are and how to avoid the…
Capital One Future EdgeVoice: What Every Successful Woman Entrepreneur Should Know: Advice From Five Unstoppable Women
The Center for an Urban Future recently released “Breaking Through: Harnessing the Economic Potential of Women Entrepreneurs”-a new report exploring the economic impact women founders have today. The report was made possible through Capital One’s Future Edge initiative, a $150-million, five-year effort to help more American workers and entrepreneurs succeed in the twenty-first century economy.