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The Evolution of Marketing

The Evolution of Marketing

Marketing is constantly evolving, adapting to new technologies and marketing strategies. Marketing has evolved from the days of door-to-door salesmen with huge suitcases full of products, to the digital age where everything is online and sales are made over email or...
3 Massively Successful Marketing Campaigns – And Why They Worked

3 Massively Successful Marketing Campaigns – And Why They Worked

You won’t always hit the nail on the head with every marketing campaign or advertisement you’re involved with. However, success can hit big time when all of the perfect elements combine. The results of a truly successful campaign can lead to going viral, or having...
Breathing New Life Into Business Cards

Breathing New Life Into Business Cards

If you thought that business cards were a thing of the past, think again.   With the rush of young professionals entering the working world, the need for business cards has returned. These aren’t your mother or father’s business cards either; playful and creative...