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Advantages of Age Diversity in the Workplace

Advantages of Age Diversity in the Workplace

While discussing workplace diversity there tends to be a focus on ensuring that there are different ethnicities and both genders are represented, however, age diversity is often overlooked. There are many benefits when companies can increase age diversity. Having...
Digital Tools to Increase Productivity and Manage Your Time

Digital Tools to Increase Productivity and Manage Your Time

In the digital era there are a plethora of distractions at our fingertips. Due to these distractions productivity often takes a hit. However, there are a number of tools that can boost work productivity and help manage your time.    StayFocused This digital tool...
10 Past Times of Successful Entrepreneurs

10 Past Times of Successful Entrepreneurs

It can be hard to rationalize taking time out of our busy schedules for hobbies. This is especially true for anyone starting their own business. The busy schedule of an entrepreneur can give some the idea that fun hobbies instead of work has to be a big waste of time....
Tips on Overcoming Obstacles as an Entrepreneur

Tips on Overcoming Obstacles as an Entrepreneur

Now, more than ever, women are starting their own businesses. Today women make up 40% of new entrepreneurs. There are a number of reasons for this, such as flexibility, more control, and being able to advance more quickly. Women are still considered primary...
Benefits of Effective Delegation Skills

Benefits of Effective Delegation Skills

Effective delegation is one of the most important skills a team leader or manager can develop. Having other team members handle various tasks within a project frees up team leaders and managers to focus their attention on other areas. When a manager has a team that...